1 – Data Controller
1. The Data Controller is the natural or legal person, public authority, service or any other body which, either individually or jointly, defines the personal data treatment purposes and means. The data controller also deals with safety profiles.

2. In relation to this website, the data controllers are: Mr. Renzo Cuzzavaglio and Mr. Mauro Cuzzavaglio, who can be contacted for any information or for the exercise of the user's rights to the following email addresses: /

2 – Data Processor
1. The Data Processor is the natural or legal person, public authority, service or any other body which deal with personal data on behalf of the controller.
2. In compliance with art. 28 of EU Regulation no. 2016/679 concerning the appointment of the data controllers, the data processors of the website are: Mr. Renzo Cuzzavaglio and Mr. Mauro Cuzzavaglio.

3 – Data treatment location
1. The data treatment required by the website takes place in Via D. Ginanni no. 6/8/10/12, Quarrata (PT), Italy.
2. When required, the newsletter service data can be treated by the data processor or by individuals entrusted with this task by him/her at the relevant premises.

1 – Type of Cookies
1. The website uses cookies to make the user's browsing experience easier and more friendly: cookies are small text strings designed to store some information about the user, his/her preferences or the device mainly used to browse the Internet (computer, tablet or mobile phone); cookies and generally intended to adjust the website functioning to the user's expectations, thus offering a more targeted and customised browsing experience and storing the choices previously made.
2. Cookies are referred to as a limited set of data transferred to the user's browser from a web server and can be read exclusively by the server which started the transfer. They are not an executable code and do not contain any virus.
3. Cookies do not record any personal information and any identifiable information shall not be stored. Upon request of the user, the storage of some or all the cookies can be prevented. However, in this case, the use of the website and the services offered may be impaired. To go on visiting the website without changing the cookies options, just continue browsing.

The types of cookies used by the website are listed below:
2 – Technical Cookies
1. Many technologies are used to store information on the user's computer, which is later collected by the websites. Among them, HTML cookies are the most popular and recommended. They are designed to browse as well as to facilitate the access to the website and its use by the user. They are necessary for the transmission of communications on the electronic network, i.e. to the supplier who shall provide the service requested by the customer.
2. The settings for the management or deactivation of the cookies may vary depending on the Internet browser. In any case, the user may manage or require the general deactivation or elimination of the cookies by modifying the settings of the Internet browser. This deactivation can slow down or prevent the access to some website areas.
3. The use of technical cookies enables the website to be safely and efficiently used.
4. The cookies integrated into the browser and re-transmitted through Google Analytics, blog statistical services or similar are considered technical only if they allow the website owner to directly optimise the website, enabling it to collect aggregated information on the number of users and the way in which they visit the website. Under these conditions, analytics cookies share the same awareness and consent rules with technical cookies.
5. As for duration, it is possible to distinguish temporary session cookies - which are automatically deleted at the end of the browsing session and help identify the user without the need to login each time the user enters the page - and permanent cookies, which are kept in the PC until they expire or are deleted by the user.
6. Session cookies may be installed to enable the user to access the website and stay in the reserved area of ​​the portal as an authenticated user.
7. They shall not be stored permanently but only for the duration of the navigation and shall disappear as soon as the browser is closed. Their use is strictly limited to the transmission of session identifiers, namely random numbers generated by the server which allow the website to be safely and successfully browsed.

3 – Third-party cookies
1. With reference to their origins, some cookies are sent to the browser directly from the website that the user is visiting, while third-party cookies are sent to the computer from websites other than those that the user is visiting.
2. Third-party cookies are often permanent.
3. Third-party cookies mostly consist of tracking cookies used to identify the user’s online behaviour and interests in order to customize the advertising.
4. Third-party analytical cookies can be installed. They are sent from third-party domains to the website, as already explained.
5. Third-party analytical cookies anonymously detect information on the user’s behaviour on the website in order to monitor the performance and improve the user-friendliness of the website. Third-party profiling cookies are used to create profiles of the users, with the purpose of sending them advertising messages consistent with the choices made by them.
6. The use of these cookies is governed by the rules defined by the third parties involved, therefore users should always read the privacy policies and the instructions to manage or disable the cookies on the web pages

1. Just like all the websites, the present website uses log files which store information automatically collected during the user’s visits. The information collected refers to:
- internet protocol (IP) address;
- type of browser and parameters of the device used to access the site;
- name of the Internet service provider (ISP);
- date and time of the access;
- referral and exiting website;
- possibly the number of clicks
2. The above-mentioned information is automatically treated and collected exclusively in an aggregated form in order to assess the correct functioning of the website as well as for security purposes. This information shall be processed depending on the legitimate interests of the controller.
3. For security purposes (spam filters, firewalls, virus detection), the automatically recorded data may include also personal data, such as the IP address, which may help block any attempt to damage the website as well as any harmful activity or crime, in compliance with the applicable law. These data are not used to identify or profile the user, but exclusively to protect the website and its users, therefore the information shall be treated according to the legitimate interests of the controller.
4. If the website contains any comment, or in case of specific services required by the user, such as the ability to send the Curriculum Vitae for any professional cooperation, the website shall automatically detect and record some identification data of the user, including his/her e-mail address. These data are voluntarily provided by the user at the time of requesting service delivery. By entering a comment or any other information, the user shall expressly accept the privacy policy and shall agree that the contents entered may be freely forwarded to third parties. The data received shall be used exclusively for the provision of the service required and only within the time necessary for the provision of such service.
5. The information provided by the users through the services and tools made available to them shall be knowingly and voluntarily communicated, thus holding this website harmless from any liability for the violation of any law. The user shall have to make sure that he/she is authorised to enter any personal or third-party data or contents protected by the national and international regulations.

2 – Purposes of data processing
1. The data collected by the website shall be used exclusively for the purposes explained above and shall be kept for the time strictly necessary to carry out the activities indicated, and in any case not longer than one year.
2. The data used for security purposes (i.e. to block any attempt to damage the website) shall be kept for the time strictly necessary to achieve the target previously declared.

3 – Data provided by the user
1. As already mentioned, the optional, explicit and voluntary sending of e-mails to the addresses reported on this website shall imply the acquisition of the sender's address, which is necessary to reply to his/her requests, as well as of any other personal data included in the message.
2. Specific summary information shall be progressively reported or displayed on the pages of the website intended for particular services upon request.

4 – Browser setting support
1. The user can manage the cookies also through the settings of his browser. However, by deleting the cookies from your browser, the preferred settings may be removed.
2. For further information and support, click the link below to the support page of the web browser that you are using:
– Internet Explorer:
– Firefox:
– Safari:
– Chrome:
– Opera:

1. Art. 13, par. 2 of EU Regulation 2016/679 specifies the rights of the user,
2. The website informs the user about:
- the right of the interested party to apply to the data controller to access his/her personal data (art. 15 of the EU Regulation), update them (art. 7, par. 3, letter a) of Legislative Decree 196/2003), correct them (art. 16 of the EU Regulation), complete them (art. 7, par. 3, letter a) of Legislative Decree 196/2003) or impose restrictions to their treatment (art. 18 of the EU Regulation) or to oppose their treatment, for legitimate reasons, to their treatment (art. 21 of the EU Regulation), in addition to the right to data portability (art. 20 of the EU Regulation);
- the right to ask for their cancellation (art. 17 of the EU Regulation), their anonymity form or block the data treated as a result of an infringement of the law, including those whose retention is not necessary for the purposes for which the data have been collected or subsequently treated (art. 7, par. 3, letter b) of Legislative Decree 196/2003);
- the right to obtain the attestation that the updating, correction, integration, cancellation, blocking and transformation activities in relation to the data have been notified, also in relation to their content, to those to whom the data have been provided or forwarded, except when this task cannot be fulfilled or requires means disproportionate to the protected right (art. 7, par. 3, letter c) of Legislative Decree no. 196/2003);
3. The requests may be submitted to the data controller, without the burden of registration formalities or, alternatively, by filling in the form provided by the Data Protection Officer, or by sending an e-mail to
4. If the treatment relies on art. 6, par. 1, letter a)
- consent to the use
- or on art. 9, par. 2 letter a)
- consent to the use of genetic, biometric or health-related data likely to hint at religious, philosophical or trade-union membership, racial or ethnic origin, political opinions
- the user may withdraw his/her consent at any time without impairing the lawfulness of the treatment based on the consent given prior to the withdrawal.
5. Similarly, in case of infringement of the law, the user may lodge a complaint with the Data Protection Officer, intended as the authority entrusted with the monitoring of the data treatment by the Italian State.
6. For a more detailed list of the rights granted to the user, see art. 15 et seq. of EU Regulation 2016/679 and art. 7 of Legislative Decree 196/2003.

VI – DATA TRANSFER TO COUNTRIES OUTSIDE THE EU 1. This website may share some of the data collected with services situated outside the European Union, specifically with Google, Facebook and Microsoft (LinkedIn) through social plugins and the Google Analytics service. The transfer is authorised and governed by art. 45, par. 1 of EU Regulation 2016/679, for which no further consent is needed. The above-mentioned companies ensure their adherence to the Privacy Shield.
2. No data shall be transferred to those Countries that do not comply with the conditions provided for in art. 45 et seq. of the EU Regulation.

VII. SECURITY OF THE DATA PROVIDED 1. This website treats the user’s data in a lawful and correct manner, by adopting the appropriate security measures designed to prevent any unauthorized access, disclosure, change or elimination of the data. The treatment is carried out by means of IT and/or telematic systems, based on organizational methods and mechanisms strictly related to the purposes indicated. 1 In addition to the controller, in some cases, the persons involved in the organization of the website (administrative, commercial, marketing, legal, system management staff) or external subjects (third-party suppliers of technical services, mail couriers, hosting providers, IT companies, communication agencies) may have access to the data.