Policy pursuant to and for the purposes of art. 13-14, EU Reg 2016/679
(European Regulation on the protection of personal data)

Dear Sir / Madam
We hereby inform you that the EU Reg. 2016/679 ("European Regulation on the protection of personal data") establishes the protection of people and other subjects as well as the compliance with the treatment of personal data.
Therefore, pursuant to art. 13 and 14, we shall provide the user with the following information:

1. Purpose, legal assumptions of the treatment for which the data are intended
The personal data provided shall be treated within the normal activity of Metaltermo s.r.l., for the following purposes:
to fulfil the request of the user:
for operative and management requirements:
to carry out statistical analysis;
to comply with legal obligations.

2. Treatment methods
In relation to the purposes above, the data shall be treated in an electronic or printed format. The treatment operations shall grant the logical and physical security as well as the confidentiality of the personal data.
The data treatment shall be carried out by the following subjects and in the following ways:
a) by the controllers and/or the persons entrusted with the treatment;
b) through operations or series of operations such as: collection, registration, organization, storage, consultation, treatment, modification, selection, extraction, comparison, use, interconnection, blocking, disclosure, elimination and distribution of the data;
c) by means of procedures also computerized, within the limits and in the ways necessary to achieve the above-mentioned targets.

3. Kind of treatment
The provision of one’s personal data is optional. However, the failure, even partial, to provide the data required in the fields marked with an asterisk shall prevent the request to be sent and the service to be offered.

4. Communication and disclosure of the data The data may be disclosed to: all the parties whose right of access to the data is recognised pursuant to the regulatory provisions; to our cooperators and employees for their tasks; to all the natural and/or legal public and/or private persons, whenever the communication is necessary or functional to the performance of the business and in the ways and for the purposes described above.

5. Identification of the data controller and processor (art. 28 of EU Regulation No. 2016/679) and location where the data are treated
The data controller and processor are Mr. Renzo Cuzzavaglio and Mr. Mauro Cuzzavaglio. The data are treated in Quarrata (PT), Italy at Via D. Ginanni no. 6/8/10/12.

6. Retention time for the personal data
The documents relating to the activity shall be kept at the company premises for the time necessary to fulfil the legal obligations.

7. Contacts
To exercise the rights described below, the interested party may call the company at 0573738692 or send an e-mail at:

8. Rights of the interested party
8.1 Art. 15 (right of access), 16 (right of correction) of EU Regulation 2016/679
The interested party has the faculty to ask the data controller whether his/her personal data are being processed or not and, in this case, to obtain access to personal data and the following information:
a) the purposes of the treatment;
b) the data categories;
c) the recipients or groups of recipients to whom the personal data have been or shall be disclosed, especially in case of third-Country recipients or international organisations;
d) the retention period of the personal data provided or, if it is not possible, the criteria used to determine this period;
e) the actual right of the interested party to ask the data controller for the correction or elimination of his/her personal data or for the restrictions to the personal data treatment or the right to oppose their treatment;
f) the right to lodge a complaint with a supervisory authority;
h) the existence of an automated decision-making process, including the profiling and, at least in these cases, relevant information on the logic used, as well as the importance and the expected effects of the data treatment on the subject.

8.2 Right in compliance with art. 17 of EU Reg. 2016/679 - right to cancellation ("right to be forgotten")
The subject has the right to ask the data controller for the cancellation of his/her personal data without undue delay and the data controller must eliminate the personal data without undue delay for one of the following reasons:
a) the personal data are no longer necessary for the purposes for which they were collected or treated;
  (b) the subject withdraws the consent on which the treatment is based in compliance with art. 6, par. 1, letter a) or art. 9 par. 2, letter a) in the absence of any other legal assumption for the treatment;
  (c) the subject opposes the treatment pursuant to Article 21, par. 1 and there is no legitimate prevailing reason to continue the treatment, or opposes the treatment according to art. 21, par. 2);
d) the personal data have been treated unlawfully;
e) the personal data must be eliminated to fulfil a legal obligation provided for by the law of the European Union or the Member State to which the controller is subjected;
f) the personal data have been collected in relation to the provision of services by the information society services referred to in art. 8, par. 1 of EU Reg. 2016/679.

8.3 Right according to art. 18 Treatment limitation right
The interested party has the right to apply to the data controller to ask for the limitation of the treatment in the following cases:
a) the interested party challenges the accuracy of his/her personal data for the period needed by the data controller to assess the accuracy of these personal data;
b) the treatment is unlawful and the interested party opposes the elimination of the personal data and asks for the restriction to its use;
c) although the data controller no longer needs the data for treatment purposes, the subject needs the personal data to ascertain, exercise or defend his/her right before the court;
d) the interested party has opposed the treatment pursuant to art. 21, par. 1, Reg. EU 2016/679 pending the assessment of the possible prevalence of the legitimate reasons of the data controller over those of the interested party.

8.4 Right referred to in art. 20 Right to data portability
The subject has the right to receive - in a structured and common version that can be automatically read with an automatic device – his/her personal data provided to a data controller and has the right to transmit these data to another data controller without any hindrance from the controller.

9. Withdrawal of the consent to treatment
The user the right to withdraw his/her consent to the treatment of his/her personal data by sending a registered letter at the following address: Via D. Ginanni 6/8/10/12 - Quarrata (PT) Italy, or an e-mail at the certified e-mail address together with a photocopy of his/her identity document, and the following text: «Withdrawal of my consent to the treatment of all my personal data.» At the end of this operation, the personal data in question shall be removed from the archives within 60 days, except for data whose retention is mandatory pursuant to the current civil, tax and administrative legislation.
For further information on the personal data treatment, or to exercise the rights referred to in paragraph 10 above, send a registered letter at: Via D. Ginanni 6/8/10/12 - Quarrata (PT) Italy, or an e-mail at the certified e-mail address It may take some time before we can give you or change any information, as we need to assess your identity and answer some questions. The answer shall be provided within 10 days.